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Cedrus gallery, 2011

Another great conifer, and one perhaps more worthy of many gardens considering the recent dreadful sun, drought and heat that has oppressed much of the country. Highly tollerant of warm, dry weather, it's biggest shortcoming is tenderness to cold, usually in the -10 to 0 degree range being damaging. Some cultivars are more/less tolerant.

Please feel free to share ANY photos of this conifer, species, cultivars, Cedrus libani, deodara, brevifolia, atlantica, etc.

Cedrus libani 'Green Prince'. One of my top ten favorite conifers, this small dwarf is a real beauty with grass-green foliage, strange, bonsai-like growth that seems to vary widely from plant to plant and very slow growth.


Here is a link that might be useful: Cedrus gallery from 2010

Comments (63)

  • 13 years ago

    deodara Golden Horizon

  • 13 years ago

    Thought that was Fotis reposting his 'Gold Horizon', Rispetto. Yours looks healthy and lush.

    Cedrus atlantica 'Compacta'. Looks like Cedrus libani to my eyes.

    deodara 'Eisregen'.Another cold-hardy variety, tends to be a bit more blue and narrow.

    deodara 'Bush's Electra'. A repost, but notable because it has a very unique, strong silver-blue color.

    'Gold Horizon'. My specimen is now in it's third year and exploding in growth. Not as bright now because an Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' is shading it now. As that gets older and I limb it skyward, hopefully my specimen is much brighter.

    Cedrus libani 'Katare'. Another fuzzy catapillar type. Slow growing, maybe 2-3 inches a year.

    Cedrus deodara 'Scott'. More sun, less water. Brighter and more compact.

    Cedrus libani 'Taurus'. A nice bright compact mound of small needles.

    'Raywood's Contorted'. A wild, fast growing tree.

    Cedrus deodara 'Blue Gem'. No info.

    Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann'. *Dwarf* in that it will eventually become a medium sized tree. Growing fast and attractive in my full sun rock bed, and needs to be pruned to single leader.

    Cedrus atlantica 'Argentea fastiagata'. Narrow and so far, slow growing.

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    Cedrus photo gallery 2012


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    Will your dwarfs are lovely and I particularly like that 'Deep Cove'. I bet it glows in the colder weather. The 'Mount St Catherine' is charming, too! The photo below has two: Cedrus libani var. atlantica 'Blue Cascade', grown with multiple leaders, and Cedrus deodara 'Cream Puff', which reminds me of your 'Deep Cove'. Here is a link that might be useful: Cedars
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    Indeed, Wolfgang, thank you! The color was not nearly this beautiful last Winter. Only the lower branches turned bright rusty orange; and the new growth turned bright cream. Last Winter, the intermediate purplish hues were absent. I'm hoping for an even more impressive show next Winter. We have had a mild Winter so far, with no snow and very little rain. Our temperatures have ranged from overnight lows in the 20F's (-5C to 0C) to daytime highs in the 60F's (17C). I think all of these have contributed to the coloring. Josh
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    Yep Mark, you got the "true" beautiful blue 'Pricly Pete' ;0) Jim, you have some real gems in your collection! These babys are at least a couple of years old :0) I'm glad that you wrote the 'DuFlon' in the right way. Will, your "Mystery" Pseudotsuga is an Abies lasiocarpa 'Argentea' 'Daycreek' must bin written as 'Day Creek' but probably this is a mislabeling for 'Dry Creek' which makes more sence... Normaly seen the Abies magnifica 'Nana' is an upright form. I think it's wise to stake it's leader... Abies lasiocarpa 'Argentea' Abies lasiocarpa 'Day Creek' Abies lasiocarpa 'Logan Pass' Look's like there's a broom on it...
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  • 13 years ago

    More more, I love cedrus cultivars.

    Cedrus deodara 'Raywood's Prostrate Dwarf'. Slow growing and a nice silvery-blue colored.

    deodara 'Montrose Veil'. Thus far, my favorite form any cedar cultivar has displayed in my gardens.

    deodara 'Aurea Pendula'. Set to weep down the rocks, color is subtle but apparent, especially for the newer growth.
    deodara 'Karl Fuchs'. I believe another cold-hardy selection.

    libani(var. atlantica) 'Granny Louise'. A very narrow upright selelection, the mother plant is about 30 feet tall and 4 feet wide(10x1.5meters).

    libani(var. atlantica) 'Lilliput'. A dwarf, slow growing upright form.

    deodara 'Pendula'. Strongly weeping, this older specimen has been pruned a bit over time.

    libani 'Blue Angel'. Noted for it's color and it's irregular, upright habit.


  • 13 years ago

    Wow, I am very impressed with your collection, these specimens are stunning. Now I am seriously thinking of adding some different conifers to my yard, rather than all arborvitaes.

    Thanks for sharing!


  • 13 years ago

    That's what we love to hear, Linda.
    Get excited about conifers because they're awesome!
    Have fun.


  • 13 years ago

    Are there any Cedrus species (or specific cultivars) that anyone has grown successfully in the upper Midwest (zone 5)?

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks Linda! Sam and I share great enthusiasm for these plants and think they need more gardens to grow in. Like Will, you will defintely want to research what you can and should NOT grow in your cold-zone. They tolerate heat fine but really have trouble in temps below 0 or -10.

    Will, I think some would be borderline and others would certainly perish in the cold. Both of you will want to do more research on both your normal annual lows and the hardiness of these plants:

    Cedrus deodara:
    'Karl Fuchs'
    'Polar Winter'

    Cedrus libani var. stenacoma

    I know some of my conifers have a hard time just with our record lows here(0-5 degrees), your negative temps might do in a good percent, or all of these plants. Research widely before you spend a lot of money.


  • 13 years ago

    var. atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph'. A dwarf blue-beauty. Staked for height.

    brevifolia 'Treveron'. A strange one with slow-growing, narrow form and tiny, clustered needles. Discovered in Victoria, B.C.

  • 13 years ago

    Don(from Texas) adds some photos of his amazing cedrus cultivars that stood stoic through the ridiculous record heat:

    deodara 'Glacier Blue'. Staked according to Don. What a beauty.

    deodara 'Divinely Blue'

    deodara 'Prostrate Beauty'. A wonderful color here and it shows how well deodara cultivars do with full-full sun.

    var. atlantica 'Horstmann'. Wow, perfect.

  • 13 years ago

    Thank you Will. Here is the update for the color of my Cedrus deodara 'Golden Horizon'. Images taken the past weekend.
    Nice golden-white color!

    close up of the foliage.

    'Aurea' and a beautiful color! I imagine a mature tree with this color...

    and just an update on my favourite cedrus. The arrow shows where the tree was at late March, before this growing season. 54cm (22 inches) until now and still growing! just 14 months in the ground!

    funny thing you mentioned Will, that you have to limb up an accontifolium to let some light to your 'Golden Horizon'! Here I have to limb up my cedars when they grow bigger so that I can plant some JMs under their canopy! Too much sun over here! Though I wish I had a big accontifolium like yours! Just a small 30cm graft for me...

    best regards,

  • 13 years ago

    Some cedars

    Cedrus deodara �Vanita� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Alibaba� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Bergkristall� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Green White� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Hillier�s WB� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Taurus� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Taurus� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Green Prince� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Hedgehog� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Katere� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Katere� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Kenwith� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus atlantica �Glauca Pendula� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo

    Cedrus libani �Bergkristall� Mesterhazy & Etzelstorfer photo


  • 13 years ago

    Now in the correct gallery ; )

    Cedrus deodara 'Blue Dwarf'



  • 13 years ago

    I've said before Cedars are one of my all-time favorites because of their soft form and ability to survive in our hot climate. I've lost a few from time to time but found them fairly bullet proof in our climate and soil.

    Some of these are repeats from above but hope you find them interesting.....Cedrus deodara 'Gold Cone'



    One of the bluest in spring - Cedrus deodara 'Sander's Blue'



    Cedrus libani 'Atlantica Aurea'


    One of my true specimens and favorites - Cedrus deodara 'Cream Puff'


    My new baby Cedrus deodara 'Deep Cove'


    A true survivor for us - Cedrus libani var. atlantica 'Glauca' - and before you purest say so I know its location is not ideal but for us without acres to work with we do what we have to do.



    This one will be a beaut when it gets another year or two growth - Cedrus deodara 'Golden Cascade'...I'm doing a little trunk straightening thus the stake.



    Cedrus atlantica 'Horstman'


    Another baby for me - Cedrus deodara 'Lime Glow'


    Cedrus deodara 'Pendula'


    A couple of angles on Cedrus deodara 'Snow Sprite'


    Another good standby for me for many years - Cedrus deodara 'Feelin Blue'

    One I just replaced from the heat wave last year is Cedrus deodara 'Blue Ball'

    The cousin of 'Snow Sprite' and 'Cream Puff' is Cedrus deodara 'Silver Mist'


  • 13 years ago

    Great connoisseur collection Tex, I would like a 'Blue Ball' not available here yet :(

    The Cedrus libani var. atlantica 'Glauca' being a baby monster wouldn't really find your wall an obstruction in the long term ; )

  • 13 years ago

    I love Blue Ball but it isn't quite as heat tolerant as other deodaras so I have to baby it a little more.


  • 13 years ago

    I just noticed the huge trunk on your 'Horstmann' how old is that specimen? It stays pretty compact relatively.

  • 13 years ago

    While Horstman is much thicker branched than the typical blue Atlas cedar, this one I think was sheared once very young. I picked it for that early look. This particular tree is about 10 years old and is still struggling for a real prominent leader. Not the typical look of this species but I like it for the spot I have it.


  • 13 years ago

    It's great, I'm interested to think that cedars can be sheared a little like yew. Might experiment : )

  • 11 years ago

    Old forum I know but I have a question about Cedrus deodara Gold Cascade. What form does it take and what growth rate does it have?

  • 11 years ago

    Mines growing very quickly now, even though it is in full sun here in my zone 7 Oklahoma, which historically has 30-60 days over 100.

    I'll try and post a new updated picture for you tomorrow. But if you look up at the top of this thread, about a third of the way down, you will see a fairly mature Golden Cascade in Coniferjoy's collection. In fact I only have mine because I saw the picture of his. His looks to be probably 20 years old.

    But you can count on 10-12" annual growth for sure. And mine is a lot yellower than his appears in that picture. While brighter in the spring of course, it holds the golden color pretty much year around.


  • 11 years ago

    Got some current shots. The first is Golden Cascade. As you can see mine has really settled in and putting on 12-18" growth rates now in spite of being in full 100+ sun all summer. I little gangly appearing at this point while it all evens out but a real golden champ for sure. It also has twin leaders going right now that I'll choose between this next fall.


    Then there's my favorite for something a little smaller or slower growing.....Cream Puff. Also located facing west full summer sun. Pale sage color with cream brushed tips. Love this dwarf, allthough calling it one is less fitting now that it is maturing out to a pretty good size........fat as it is tall


  • 11 years ago

    Texjagman, that is one beautiful 'Cream Puff'! I had to have one as soon as I saw that last pic!!! I ordered a 'Prostrate Beauty' and 'Snow Sprite' with it.

    What a great grouping of pics from everyone =)

    Now I must leave this "Enabler paradise" aka the Conifer gallery forum before the wallet gets too light lol


    This post was edited by j0nd03 on Mon, Apr 1, 13 at 17:56

  • 10 years ago

    Hi all,

    I know this is an old post and so I may not get an answer, but I am looking for a deodara cedar for Virginia Zone 7 that maxes out at around 10-15 feet. Originally, I was looking at 'Aurea' but I can't get accurate information on size, much less find someone online who has it.

    Any ideas? Looking for something pyramidal to offer nice wispy, full texture for a bit of privacy.

    Thanks for any help.


  • 9 years ago

    It's from these old posting that made me join this forum; seeing all these conifer addicts, with all their excitement and passion for conifers. Where are they now? Would love to see more and what is new that they since posted back in 2011 - 2013 or pics of maturity of their collection. Would appeciate it.



  • 9 years ago


    The galleries were a great series started by firefigtergardener years ago. The collection here is a creditable photoshop of that years about the most known new cedar cultivars throughout the world. Serious gardeners and serious cedars were here that time. Sorryfully most of them went to the facebook or left these pages behind.

    You can enjoy more cedars and more conifers in the There is a photo collection of 50 tousand. And enjoy the first dronevideo from a Pinetum:



  • 9 years ago


    Thank you for the drone video; very enjoyable and love Beethoven music during the viewing. Allot of the contributor to the site was very helpful and informative during these forum chats; had hope to bounce off experiences in growing the different conifers, and discuss further attributes of growth --- during observation of their growth. Sharing of notes of their experiences and comparison to further acquire knowledge from one another.



  • 9 years ago

    Enjoyed all the pics, thanks for sharing. I dont have any of this type, will keep an eye out. So far I think Ive only seen the Cedrus Atlantica for sale locally.

  • 9 years ago

    Will, nice to see you again. I also had problems with the moderators that time as posting also thousands of photos to gardenweb. These were historic times of the conifers. Sometimes the very fresh found conifers or brooms of the last weekend came to be known on Monday or Theusday next week. Mr. Malik of Cesko and the brooms got world fame with gardenweb.

    Since that time Malik and me founded a world broom collection in the hungarian National Botanic Garden, which is the first institutional owned collection in the world, where plants may survive even their authors are passed away.


  • 9 years ago

    I have 569 photos, on photobucket under 'Conifers2009' maybe it's a problem.

    On Facebook you post directly from your computer, for the forum 2 time are neccessary, and by this way you have a lot of photo sleeping on a web site.

    The time change !

  • 9 years ago

    Dear Clément,

    you are not a problem. My portal is too big, I can't link photos anymore. They can be organized other way as before and the links will be killed. Since a while I use only photos, which I filled to my server. I have many of your photos, but all are on my server. The orange coloured photo links are imported, they are in danger, if any sources will newly organized. Zsolt

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Will,

    I joined this forum; mainly due to your posting of your collection of conifers, because I can see and hear from your comments on the forum of your great "love", "addiction", "passion" for them. From the quality of your collection; you also have develop a great knowledge for them, and how to properly create the environment for them to thrive so lush and healthy. I was hoping to get more of this after joining; I don't know who this moderator is, but this sort of defeats a forum that shares their passions and knowledge. Considering that I posted one posting requesting for inputs and sharing of "Conifer Addicts"; right away wanted me to post pics, I appreciated mesterhazypinetum --- because he did chime in with a sharing of conifers thru a drone video of a mature garden. I wanted the everyday people like us that are passionate about our conifer gardens successes and failure to help one another out to create; not so much of these massive garden photos of famous gardens, so thank you for chiming in. I was actually considering leaving this forum; after barely just joining it, I hope you post more and give some advice on some questions. I understand from a friend of mine (Bill Hibler - buyer at West Seattle Nursery) about 5 weeks ago that you were in the ACS Regional Tour last year; he made mention of you being in it, before asking me to be in this years Sept. 2016 one -- for Bill I would do it (after a discussion with my husband first thou).



  • 9 years ago

    Hi all!

    I agree with Will. I also felt the pressure from the moderators. When it was set up
    separate Gallery chapter... And I never know where to put my photos:) And it was also very time consuming...
    I like more GardenWeb format than Facebook... Here information is retained better and is later reviewed easier...

    I also have an idea to come back here...
    I miss a conversation with my friends who are not on Facebook...:)

    Happy New Year to all my friends!!:)


    And on the topic - my Cedrus deodara 'Eisregen' -


  • 9 years ago

    Thanks Ireena, how gorgeous, and that striking blue amongst the different shades of green. Great combination of textures too.


  • 9 years ago

    Thanks clement_2006; will have to add to my got to have wish list, I have Cedrus libanii "Keniwith --- just added to my collection a month ago. Really been looking for Cedrus libanii "Green Knight" and "Green Prince"; but after seeing "Camie", got to have one too -- for my collection of cedrus libani. Cheers,

  • 9 years ago

    It's my broom, not on trade for the moment.

  • 9 years ago

    Clement- We no longer need to upload to Photobucket first before posting pictures here. We can go right from our computer to here using the Photo icon.

    We can also use the Photo icon to get pictures from Photobucket by using the "Direct" link in Photobucket and pasting it in the "File name".

    Here is your pic.

    Cedrus libanii 'Camie'


  • 9 years ago

    I will keep an eye out for it; when you do put it on the trade (make available) Clement, looks like a good strong broom. Are new growth at the tips showing some yellow? Wasn't sure how long since you have gotten the original large broom; that you have been able to root up several, hope to hear more of additional observations of interesting characteristics thru a full season. Keep us all posted. Cheers,

  • 9 years ago

    @Ireena- It is nice people like you that keep any forum a welcome sight.

    Happy New Year to you too.


  • 9 years ago

    I agree with Ireena, there are quite a few advantages to the new format here. GW has always seemed to lend itself to discussion a bit better than FB, and it is easier to look up old posts and continue them (this thread is a case in point). And most of the problems with the older version of GW have vanished: no Galleries, the ads seem to be better under control (too much to ask that they'd vanish entirely I suppose), and it's easier to post photos now. Another plus about the new format is that it is much more pleasing to the eye.

    Sorry to take this thread OT, I don't have a good Cedrus photo to post at the moment!


  • 9 years ago

    The support of those here on this thread is very much appreciated. In addition to the strict photo restrictions I was faced with, the advertising blitz that was pretty horrific at GW, is somewhat reduced now - or at least it is subtle enough that I can largely ignore the ad that takes up about a quarter of the screen on the right.

    I'm willing to make somewhat regular posts again but after becoming engaged to a wonderful woman this Winter(aptly named Spring, like the season), I don't have the time to share thousands of photos of my gardens.

    I still have the lust of these great plants, and I've been a busy bee outside, as always. building a greenhouse, extensive new conifer gardens and trails. I didn't acquire many new plants this Winter, both for a lack of funds, for obvious reasons, but also so I could finish transplanting this Winter and then deciding next year how much space I have.

    What kinds of photo series do people want to see more of? The galleries were far and away the most popular threads I participated in. I'd like to add some more time-lapse series as well though as I have a wealth of older photos that I can share with the new.

    Support is like fuel for my fire and it was refreshing to read the comments here this morning.


  • 9 years ago

    Thank you tj

    I remember my web site :

  • 9 years ago

    Hey Will; I would like to see some of the original posts pics of conifers new growth and maturity in the last 2-3 years since original post, or how it's evolved from relocation of any. Also; any new addition, I know you said you hadn't added any in this past year. Congrats on your engagement this past winter to Spring; much happiness and prosperity to you both, I'm sure she loves gardening as much as you do.

    Cheers, midnightsummerdream

    p.s.: maybe we can start it on a new thread for the new year. thank you and welcome back.

  • 9 years ago

    I miss Will's reportages from his outstanding garden and species galleries I love too.
    I promise to participate with my photos as far as possible:)


  • 9 years ago

    Have a tight space? Here is an unconventional use of Blue Atlas Cedar which seems to work well.

  • 7 years ago

    if anyone has updated photos of the trees they posted in years past, i would love to see them!

  • 7 years ago

    He's not on here anymore but you can find him on Facebook under Will Fletcher.

  • 7 years ago

    thank you Sara! There's a bunch of them on facebook. Which one should I look for?

  • 7 years ago

    This one. I forgot that he uses William Fletcher.

    Will Fletcher's Facebook page