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Notebook? Reading journal?

17 years ago

I've just decided that I need to have a pen and a journal at hand when I am reading. I always say to myself, "I must remember this passage, or remember this word" and I never do! It seems impossible to find the memorable passage again so a journal seems to be in order.

Sure wish I'd thought of this long ago, back when I was reading "American Chica" or "The Pentagon's New Maq." If I was really organized it would be a loose binder that I could file notes alphabetically under the title of the book.

I'm deep into one of Loren Eiseley's books and he has a habit of making up words, or at forms of words that I don't think really exist. I'm struggling to come up with an example BUT I don't have a reading journal to refer to. As I read this evening I'll try to glean a word or to so that you can weigh in on whether they are real words.

My entry for The DaVinci Code would have been peppered with explitives and an account of how after reading the last sentence I tossed the tome against the wall.

So.....any reading journals?

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