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Please help me I.D. the culprit behind white/translucent spots

12 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am new to gardening and I have been actually doing really well with the garden up until now. I used organic manure and soil in my raised bed. Everything is level and my garden seems to drain quite well. I did have a little pest problem because I have lettuce and all the rain a few weeks back really made me worry but all that happened was a little white spidery looking growth under the plants in the soil appeared once the first hot day came -which I was told to throw the effected dirt away and pick the lowest leaves- and this has worked. I also sprayed some organic pesticide on my plants about 1.5 weeks ago and the small bite marks in my leaves seemed to have gone away.

With this as background- Here is my issue:

I live in MA and yesterday night (WEDS.) we had a huge storm. Earlier in the day around 230 when the sun isn't directly on my garden I sprayed the organic pesticide on my plants again because I noticed small bite marks returning to my plants and the pesticide container said I may need to do 2 or 3 applications over the next weeks for very persistent pests. About an hour later I watered my plants...then 9:30 comes along and theres a tornado warning and the most intense downpour I have ever seen. Prior to this my plants looked amazing and my pepper plants were growing up so quickly with nice dark green leaves. I come outside on thursday afternoon after work to check on the garden and I find these white/translucent spots ALL OVER ALL of my hot peppers, sweet yellow pepper plants and some random spotting on my lettuce varieties. What could this be? I don't think its burning from the pesticide because I didn't do it in direct sunlight but I could be wrong. Also, from what I looked up- and I can't find much-I don't know if it could be a nitrogen deficiency from all the rain? The spotting isn't yellow thought and it doesn;t look like typical leaf burn.

Please help is this a pest of some sort? I just took care of my slugs problem with a cup of beer and now this! I'm so sad and scared for my plants! PLEASE HELP!!!

It looks like the plants have white freckles all over but when you look close the spots are actually translucent and not fully penetrated bite marks- more like the pigment is just missing and the spots are surrounded by white borders

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