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Impulse buy!!! Ponkan mandarin...I can't resist a cheap tree in need!

I was visiting a local nursery and noticed that they had a few citrus trees left (they carry them often from RB farms, but the nice, big, grafted ones). This poor tree has seen better days, but is sprouting all over and is huge. It was $125 and I got it for $30! I do not have a ponkan, but have heard good things about it. Now I have to re-home two because I just can't get overstuffed any more with trees. Here are pics of "Lucky" as my daughter called her :)

Middle center - reaches almost to the ceiling fan. I snuck it in the house, but had to spill it to DH, although he is clueless enough that he may have not even noticed a new tree in the forest lol!

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