Thinking about a pizza oven?
Great Design Plant: Catalina Ironwood
Great Design Plant: Camellia Japonica
winter bark
Gray plants
Dry Creek Wine Country Gardens
Small Water Features
entry gardens
Mod can be fun
Veg Beds
Train Your Veggies Vertically
Sit by the fire
Garden Getaways
Great Design Plant: Ginkgo
Ginkgo profile
Outdoor showers
Open fencing
Country fencing
Grapestake fence
Outdoor fireplaces
Great Design Plant: Crepe Myrtle
September Checklist for Northern California
Great Design Plant: Hop Bush
Great Design Plant: Sweet Olive
Great Design Plant: Evergreen Pear
Great Design Plant: Valley Oak
Great Design Plant: California Black Oak
Great Design Plant: Blue Oak
Great Design Plant: Canyon Live Oak
Great Design Plant: Sweet Gum
Great Design Plant: Bronze Loquat
California Plants of the Month: August