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Floor Lamps...What Do They Say About a Room?

13 years ago

I have this lovely collection of "Beautiful" Living Room photos that I peruse now and then to remind myself what a beautiful room looks like, and ask myself how mine is progressing. (Or not!)

Anyway, what struck me today was lamps, and how the really fine rooms all had AMAZING lamps. While the just rather 'nice' living room I'd snagged often had rather ordinary lamps. Not terrible, just not terribly exciting. Even if the furniture and arrangement and drapes and paint were all well done, the lamps often bring the whole room down a pinch.

THEN it struck me...NONE of the Really-Beautiful-Ones had a floor lamp. Nada. Not a one. Is there such a thing as a very fine floor lamp? Or do they say Not-Enough-Tables? Or am I simply missing all the Elegant Rooms With Floor Lamps?

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