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Replacing Carpet due to Allergies! Need advice.

14 years ago

DD19 was recently diagnosed as allergic to dust mites. Her basement bedroom is carpeted over concrete for warmth. We were advised to pull out the carpet for her allergies. Also occasionally (3 times in 4 years) we get a little water in there (when our downspout comes loose in a heavy rain)so carpet may not be the best anyway.

Any suggestions for flooring in her room? We have Novalis Peel and Stick Planks in our kitchen. Would those be good? She would like tile but it seems ceramic would be cold on a concrete basement floor in Wisconsin. Anyone have experience with this? Can we put something under vinyl or ceramic that would help with warmth? Obviously we can use throw rugs over the floor.

We would be happy for any advice or suggestions you may have.

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