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For those who use juicers or blenders

I posted about our new Nutri Bullet a few days ago...and we love it. But it occurred to me to mention something that some of you might not be aware of.

Many of these foods are grown with a very high use of pesticides, the residue of which can remain on the outside skins. Imported foods can be especially 'iffy '.

Our raw fruits and veggies must be very thoroughly washed and rinsed! This is true even if you're buying organic foods. It's also true if you remove the skin, rind, peel.

Here's what I do: as soon we get home with the produce, the greens go into a warm water bath with a bit of organic soap. Then, I fill the sink up again with cold water so I can rinse everything well. Remove as much of the water as possible before storing.

Foods with peels, rinds, and skins need to be given a soapy bath, too. With the skins on. Use a soft brush on them, then rinse in cold water, dry and refridgerate.

Berries shouldn't be stored wet. I usually wait to wash them until I use them.

This little bit of time ensures that we get all of the great benefits from these great foods ......and none of the toxins.

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