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Farm Journal's Cookbooks - Your Favorites?

Back in the 1960s the Farm Journal produced some wonderful cookbooks. I own three of them, but my favorite is the FREEZING AND CANNING COOKBOOK. It has been my guide and inspiration for decades! I realize that some of the procedures are no longer up-to-date-safety-wise. I've cooked many of the recipes, and would like to share with those of you who may still have this cookbook. I see that old ones are sometimes available on eBay and

Along with wonderful combination jam recipes and chutneys, and pickles and pickled/spiced fruit, here are but a few I've made:

Victory Relish (page 307) - Amazing recipe. I've seen similar ones elsewhere, but this is my favorite.

Lemon Marmalade; Orange Marmalade (page 209) - This has been a favorite, too.

Pepper Slaw (page 288) - I usually halve the recipe.

I'd love to hear of others of you have the books and what you enjoy cooking and canning.



Here is a link that might be useful: Farm Journal's Freezing & Canning Cookbook on eBay

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