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A Reality Check on my Roses

When I moved to my home in the hills several years ago I had a dream of having many different roses in many different classes and my garden would be a wonderland of stunning rose beauty. That was the dream and this is the reality: Many of my roses aren't exactly thrilled to be in an area where it's hot, dry and often windy for many months of the year. This has made me painfully aware that many of my roses aren't performing as I would like and, also, that not all of them thrill me to the core. Granted the roses at most have had only two years to show their worth and quite a few only one. I'm not about to toss out a rose at this stage because it doesn't please me for whatever reason. They're going to have at least two more years to grow into maturity. However, even at this point I can say that there are a few roses that are standouts. My criteria are mainly two: Do I love the way they look and do they perform and look well for most of the year? Some of my favorites, such as Abraham Darby, are on the iffy list because of the latter requirement. My favorites, which are a very mixed bag, are as follows:

Blue Mist, a modern polyantha (plunked into the ground in summer as a tiny baby and has needed no coddling at all in the heat, darling tiny mauve flowers)

Wild Blue Yonder (the blooms are gorgeous in color and shape and the bush is vigorous and healthy)

Cottage Rose (love the old rose look, does great in the heat and reblooms constantly)

Sister Elizabeth (fragrant, beautiful blooms on a compact bush with lush foliage, not fazed by the heat at all, very good rebloomer)

Duchesse de Brabant (constant bloomer, fragrant, bushy, lovely)

Souvenir d'un Ami (see picture, one of my very favorites in every way, from Vintage)

Blumenschmidt (a pretty tea that does very well in the heat except that the flowers are smaller, nice foliage, everblooming)

Angels Camp Tea (lovely flowers and bush, everblooming)

That's not many out of 82 but fortunately the jury is still out on the youngsters.

Would any of you care to share what roses meet your strictest criteria and pass with flying colors?




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