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gasp! i'm gonna take up for the knockout!!! amazing but true

15 years ago

I just had to speak up after reading the thread where so many of you completely trampled the knockout. Haven't been on GW in forever and gee golly... I get on and find people knocking the knockout. GASP. I honestly don't see what the big deal is with having a rose that is gorgeous, blooms continuously and dare I say it??? fairly EASY. Most of you say that it is for NON gardners and people who don't want to take the time to have to "work" with roses. I beg to differ. I have close to 100 of the different varieties of KO's. I work very hard at keeping them gorgeous. Once they start blooming good (right now) I have to deadhead DAILY to keep them looking great and believe you me......deadheading that many of them is quite time consuming and believe it or not....I actually DO have to spray for aphids and JB's quite often. Yes, I see all the LAZY NON gardners who let theirs go and all those ugly unsightly blooms just hang on and ruin the look of the bush but that's THEIR fault not the KO's. And yes, it has become very very popular and yes, you do see it in a lot of yards and businesses but I fail to see the issue with that either. Would it be such a crime if it were mass displays of Chicago Peace or Strike it Rich??? It sure is a WHOLE lot prettier than a bunch of boxwoods pruned into ugly rows of rectangles. I also have tons of other REAL roses as you guys refer to them and I love them as well. Got the ht's and the english and the floribundas and the polyanthas and the I can relate to all of them and what they require. Yes, they do require more "work" but I do not consider them any bit superior to my lovely KO's.I just hope that I never become so much of a "rosarian" that I feel that the only true definition of a ROSE is that it must require LOTS of hard work and by all means it must NOT be sold in huge quantities. Well, that is MY opinion and thank goodness we are all entitled to one. LOL. Hope you guys all have great gardens this year and LOTS of lovely it REAL roses or that "other" infamous imposter! April

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