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A (Mostly) Green Spring

ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Thankfully the few days of ferocious heat are gone, and because of the abundant rain we had the surrounding hills are still fairly green instead of the beige coloration that the heat of summer will bring. My garden is also for the most part green because the roses are either "resting" or have buds that will soon open for the second bloom period of the year. Duchesse de Brabant and Aunt Margy's Rose are chock full of buds, as are Mme. Joseph Schwartz and Sweet Frances. These are the taller roses where I'm allowing blooms, while on younger and still-shorter roses such as Coquette des Blanches and Abraham Darby I'm ruthlessly pinching blooms to coax them to grow taller, above bunny height. All in all, the relatively cool days (low eighties) and the promise of the lovely flowers to come make me happy and grateful to be alive.

Duchesse de Brabant

Continued below..................

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