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Is it ok for stepkids to call me mom?

5 years ago

Recently my stepdaughter (who lives with us about 50% of the time) has started calling me 'mama' and mommy. It took me by surprise because I've never referred to myself like that to her. I said you know I'm not your mommy right? she said I know but you do everything my real mommy does and more so you're my mommy. I can have two mommies. I talked to my husband about it and we both sort of decided not to encourage it but not to tell her not too either. Her brother still uses his nickname for me of Cici but I've heard him refer to me as mom to his friends and not stepmom.

I'm so worried what there mother is going to do if she finds out about this. Biomom has never liked me don't blame her marriage falling apart shortly after kid #2 and divorce is barely final before I come into the picture. All that aside she has been a living hell on my life from day one and I'm not all in the right either but the woman puts me on edge. I can't even buy clothes for the kids or do the girl's hair without some nasty comment or criticism. My husband and I have been together for 8 years now and married for 3 and I've know the kids since they were 2 and 6 and well I didn't expect us to be friends I didn't think I've have hostile interactions on a regular basis.

Any advice? Is it ok they call me mom or some version or should I put a stop to this?

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