colleenoz's photo
About me: I love to cook, and have had a number of food-service related jobs. Currently I am working as a relief assistant in a high school Home Economics department

My zone is: WA Aust
GardenWeb Member: colleenoz - May 28, 2001
colleenoz likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/18/23
colleenoz likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/17/24
Commented: Smile today - 4/15/24 @eld6161 It's like that in the city near where I live. Some people (like me) love it when the jacaranda trees bloom, with their glorious hyacinth blue flowers, and others say they are too messy for...
in The Kitchen Table  
Commented: Quite a House I cannot even imagine trying to keep that place clean with all those nooks and crannies.
in The Kitchen Table  
Commented: What would you make with a bunch of chard? I made a pie last week based on a recipe from Tasting History, which was a 16th (iirc) Italian cheese and green herbs pie. The original had a lot of sugar, cinnamon and cloves in it, which while Ma...
in Cooking