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The "Best" Restaurants in the World?

Even if you only spend a little bit of time on social media, you will eventually notice a list of the 'X' number of "Best" Restaurants in the world; most of them with pictures. Having already expressed my disdain for jiggy-jiggy dishes in another thread, I found further support of my position based on the plates shown in those photos. Beyond that, as a seasoned world traveler myself, I was astonished that I had never eaten any of the restaurants on any of the lists and probably heard of less than five of them overall.

Initially, I said okay, there a lots of new restaurants popping up daily and many of my old favorites have slipped away, so for me to not have heard of any of these was not that much of a shock. But to not find any cross-matches between lists was even stranger. You would think in a city like Florence, Italy there would be at least a couple of eateries that would appear on more than one list, but no - they're all different.

Which brings me to wonder - are any of these lists worth their pixels?

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