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Adenium seedling update

In the last 2 days I have sowed another 165 Mr Ko seeds and 50 arabicum seeds (10 variaties) I bought from an English seller which I hope will be at least half as successful as Mr Ko's.. (I promise, ma, no more this year....). If all germinate it will double the number of adenium seedlings this summer.

I thought I'd give un update on the seedlings that have succesfully germinated since I started on June 7th, that is: show some of my favourites :-)

The first seed that ever germinated (on June 10th) and for that reason I love it. It is now the second biggest, passed by a sibling, but still it was and is the proof that against every expectation I am successful at this job :-)

My triple crown I call this, because all by itself it started branching from the word go:

The stems on all seedlings have a reddish/brown colour, except for this one which has a really nice shade of green:

A couple have really nice compact growth:

And I love it when they start branching early like these two (there's more like these)

Three have started to grow curly leaves (all different variaties, supposedly):

A little experiment with 2 seedlings I thought were not going to be anything special. They've been together for over a month now, and seem to thrive on eachother's company:

And the previous batch of Mr Ko's two variaties threw up a couple of triple leaved seedlings (more than just these two):

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