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2 questions re free Auslogics defragging program

(Having lost my previous questions I will re-type. My fault, sigh. I didn't Post it before I moved on.)

I have Auslogics Disk Defrag program –
which I do not use very often.Which produces my first question:

I have just
run the defragging part and the analysis part of Auslogics Disk
Defrag.And it found 140 junk files.

What do I do now? I have forgotten what to do next.

Second question: Before I download the lateest
version from Auslogics (that is, Auslogics Disk Defrag Free) - is this a good defragging

I recently acquired Windows 10 and everything
seems way, way slower. And I am hoping that defragging
will speed things up again.

Thanks, Jane2

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