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Boost your Routine. A Brand New Detergent Discovery!

Laundry Mich
8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

Do you have...

Cloudy Glasses? Spotty Silverware? Dull Baking Sheets? Is your China not Gleaming?

Then... you might be using yesterday's dishwasher detergent. It's time to come into the 90's, already!

And you can... with a brand new dishwasher detergent. Called "Dropps".

You see... unlike the Competing detergent pac from that other brand. Dropps uses this revolutionary new ingredient that grabs onto grease & grime like no other cleaner can. And it rinses away, leaving dishes truly spotless!

(And CUT! That's a wrap guys!)

What the heck is this, and why is Mitch posting about it. Well guys, about two weeks ago.. I stumpled upon these by accident at Target.

I've actually walked by them quite a few times, and had never really bothered to give them a second look. But... for some reason, I did this time.

I was just about to put them back down, when I notice in the corner it says "Phosphrous Content". Suddenly my attention is completely grabbed... and I read further.

"Phosphorus Content: This formula averages no more than 8.0% phosphorus, in the form of phosphates, which is equivalent to 1.1 grams per tablespoon."

As you can imagine... I wanted to do a bunch of cart-wheels in the middle of a Grocery Aisle in Target! ;)

It's literally a Phosphate Detergent with Enzymes & Oxygen Bleach. Similar to Somat & Cascade Complete of years ago. And it has Phosphate. Phosphate. It has Phosphate. Did I mention it has Phosphates???


Now... I've only done a few loads of Dishes so far, and the results have been quite impressive. However, I haven't done enough dirty dishes to really give a good comparison or review.

However... I did inform my BFF (who shall remain unnamed) and they told me, that it was a pretty impressive cleaner! :)

So... I think I should dish out this secret. What a impressive find, in today's age! And they Clean! :)

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