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Guest Room...almost done. Maybe? Lots of Pics

13 years ago

I've been slowly working on this room. For the most part, I feel it's done. I'm happy with the furnishings, the bedding and the curtains. I need to change out the curtain rods as they look a little skimpy. I'd like to add a few more accessories like a PB pocket watch clock and luggage rack. Maybe a slip cover for the chair at the desk.

The one thing I am certain needs changed is the paint color. This color was picked to match bedding but that was two sets ago. I'm a little stumped on what color to go to. The bedding has a great variety but the room doesn't get a lot of natural light and I don't want something shockingly bright.

Our carpet is "tapioca" colored and trim is SW Dover White (that needs freshened up). The current color is Valspars Wood Thrush. And doesn't photograph well.

I'd love suggestions. Oh and would the sunburst mirror look better over the chair?

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