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16 years ago

"I recall a little about your SS's dependency and rehab, but was your husband supportive or did you have to poke and prod him to make him realize there was a problem?"

Laurels, sorry it's taken so long to respond. We had houseguests over the weekend, and I didn't get a chance to log on.

Both DH and BioMom were oblivious to the problems with SS17. BioMom's attitude was it was a phase that all teens go through, getting arrested is a "right of passage" for the teens in our affluent community (yes, she actually said that!), and that sons (plural) would outgrow the poor behavior. Of course, she looked the other way while they were having parties in her basement, so we weren't going to get any help from her.

DH seemed to want to pretend there was no problem. Even after a DUI arrest in June 06, DH wanted to believe it was just a dumb, isolated incident. It was only after SS17 started coming home drunk, following being grounded all summer for his DUI, that DH thought there might be a more serious problem.

DH was the same way with my older SS20, who brought underage drinking and marijuana into our home when he came to live with us a few years ago. He had been able to have parties at his mom's house, and assumed he would be able to do that at our house. I was finding empty beer cans, drug paraphernelia, and actual marijuana in my home. I would turn it over to DH, who you think would address it with son, but he never did. He would say, "Here's your stuff, don't do it here." (Yes, instead of trashing the illegal stuff we found, he'd return it to son!) Of course, son never took it seriously, and the behavior continued. SS20 and I were fighting almost daily, while DH was away working. DH did not want to "rock the boat" with son, or make him angry at dad, as they had had a very tenuous relationship when son was in high school. (It's hard to have a good relationship with your parents when you are getting wasted all the time.) DH actually said to me, "If you drive son away, I don't know if I could forgive you." I was incredulous!

That's when I told DH, "I am not going to put up with illegal activities in my home. I do not want to raise my children in a home where underage drinking and drug use is allowed. If you do not talk to son, I will be leaving with the younger kids. You are driving us away." That was the wake-up call with DH for our older son.

Unfortunately, the wake-up call for SS17 wasn't so soft. I was like a broken record to both parents - "I think son may have a drinking problem, I think we need to do something about it." I was ignored by both of them. After staying out all night, two nights in a row, son decided to go live with BioMom. His drinking and drug use escalated to the point of a psychotic episode brought on by alcohol and cocaine during a party at his mom's, leaving him with self-injuries, over 20 stitches, and a 6 month long stay in 3 different psychiatric/rehab residential treatment centers.

SS17 is much healthier and happier now, but it's still early, and he's still on a probationary period of not being able to go out until the end of the month, except for school, work (yes, he got a part-time job his first week home), AA meetings and therapy. I am nervous about giving him more freedom. He asked a girl to homecoming, so now I'm sure he'll try to negotiate a later curfew than 10:00 pm. (He will have a sliding curfew for the first couple of months, based on responsibility.) I think we may let him stay as late as the dance, but then straight home after that. Absolutely no after-dance parties.

Anyway, my point was that DH was not initially supportive. He wanted to pretend there were no problems or issues with sons, or that I was making too much of a small problem, and that did create a lot of tension in our marriage. It wasn't until after things got out of hand with sons that DH stepped up. I will say that youngest SS17 was trying to blame me or my personality as the reason he and I couldn't get along, not his own behavior and poor choices, and DH was extremely supportive of me, telling SS that I was the only adult in his life who acted like a parent, and that it was the structure I tried to instill that he didn't like.

I wish you luck with your SS. I know it's hard when Dad wants to pretend everything is just fine, and it's all in your head.

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