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Change BioDad's Unreasonable Car Rule

16 years ago

Please forgive the long back-story, but it's necessary to make any sense of this ridiculous problem.

17 year old DS lives with Ex and StepMom (a very nice person and good SM) in a house about four blocks away from ours, and visits us two nights per week plus EOW. (Another long back-story which I'll skip.)

Ex was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which means, among other things, that he is unable to empathize with another person's feelings. He is "never wrong", never gives in, can rationalize anything to support his own desires, and accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being unreasonable. It also means that the entire world revolves around him and his feelings, and that all of his actions are driven by the need to show how wonderful he is to the outside world. Of course, he is charming, well-dressed and successful.

Ex grew up "working class" in a wealthy area, which contributed to his constant need to appear wealthy; and it is important to him for the world to see that his son (DS) is "one of the rich kids" in our neighborhood. So of course, Ex insisted that DS had to have a car on his 16th birthday. My family circumstances were very different, and NOT displaying wealth and working to earn what you have were important values. So I felt very differently on the car issue. SM and I both urged Ex NOT to give DS his old car (a red Lexus sports coupe) as we felt it was an invitation to reckless driving.

But Ex wouldn't listen (of course) and ended up "giving" DS the Lexus. So while it was announced with great fanfare as DS's birthday gift, it isn't really DS's car, and there are whole lot of strings attached The craziest one is that when DS spends the night here at my house, the car has to stay parked four blocks away at Dad's house -- even when DS gets in late at night, has to leave early in the morning, or both!

I've tried to support Ex's rules to DS, even when I've disagreed with them, and talk to Ex behind the scenes to get them changed -- but on this one, I've met nothing but resistance. In fact, I'm not even sure why Ex won't let DS park the car at my house. His only response is that four blocks is not too far for DS to walk. And in general, I agree that four blocks is not too far to walk -- which I've told DS. ("Walk to your dad's or take the school bus.") BUT, now that he's a senior, his class and activity schedule make taking the school bus impossible, and he's got a 40 pound backpack plus a notebook computer to carry! Carrying that much stuff four blocks IS ridiculous. But getting in my car to drive him four blocks to his Dad's to get 'his' car is also ridiculous! And environmentally irresponsible.

I've talked to Ex about it. I've tried saying "Oh-you means it's the 'family car' and you allow DS to drive it" to which Ex says "No-it's DS's" I've also tried appealing to his desire to look magnanimous and omnipowerful by praising his 'generosity' and sayint that "of course it was his decision" -- but got nowhere. And FWIW, Ex has also done numerous other "gift with strings" items over the years, including 'giving' DS a notebook computer for Christmas that he had to share with his SM and that had to stay in the kitchen.

Knowing that Ex is all about power, control, and looking good -- what can we say to get him to change his mind about this ridiculous rule?

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