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Is Amazon Going To Send Me To Gitmo?

16 years ago


The pkguy thread on his new organ (snicker) got me in the mood for music. No jokes...this is a serious question!

Anyway, I went to & ordered DH a new book on tape.

Then, started to purchase several MP3 downloads. The website just kept adding them to my Media Player's Library...boom, boom, boom, one right after the other. I was happily clicking, click, yes...I'll take that one also.

Then, decided I'd spent enough money & clicked on "Shopping Cart". IT WAS EMPTY!!!

So, I checked my Media Library & all of the music was/is there. I copied it onto my external problems.

Went back to Amazon & clicked on one of the songs that already downloaded...Amazon tossed up a screen, "You've already PURCHASED that song. If you're sure you want to buy it again, click Purchase Now". WHAT?

I've not purchased anything! But, I've got about 25 songs that I didn't have before going to Amazon plus DH's book on tape shows up as a recent order not yet shipped. Always before the site has me put in my CC info before allowing downloads & certainly before it confirms I've purchased books.

Whatsup? Will somebody please go to & do a trial purchase...then cancel so I can see if the problem's with or did I do something wrong?

If Amazon is just giving me a freebie they sell Hummers???


PS I've left my site open so I'll keep checking the Shopping Cart but I don't think it's going to charge's been a couple hours ago now.

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