I have removed Java from my wired desktop computer but have a question about a wireless laptop which uses the router hardwired into the desktop.
My husband uses the laptop for online crosswords. Several of the crossword sites require Java (found this out after I removed it). Would having Java on his laptop affect the security of the wired desktop?
The desktop is used for making financial transactions (usually with a Live CD) so I don't want to compromise its security.
I use a Linux system with FF as the browser; installed and always run NoScript, and selectively allow scripts as needed to view videos and such on Yahoo. Do I need to be concerned?
My wife is using Windows 7 and finds that without Java enabled she can't follow friends on Facebook or use Plurk. What can she do to be secure and still use those sites?
This morning in my newspaper I READ and I QUOTE "Oracle said it will issue a path Tuesday that contains [86 new security vulnerability fixes] and recommends that customers update Java on their computers with the patch as soon as possible".
Checking both of my XP machines I found both on Java 6 Update 7 so they were way behind on security updates - I uninstalled both and will install again when I find a useful application - and of course after the "next Tuesday" security fixes.
I first ran across Java in an international telecommunications/software conference in about 1999, or 2000. I recall thinking at the time "ho hum".. who knew? Not me.
@snidely -- No, the sky isn't falling, but when Apple and Mozilla have taken action to disable/block Java and along with the security vendors, Homeland Security and US-CERT recommend the same, it would be wise to pay attention. Apple didn't respond to the Java update last February and within two months over 600,000 Macs were infected.
@azinoh -- Mozilla just added Java to the plugin blocklist yesterday. If Java isn't disabled via plugins, you can do that manually via Firefox > Add-ons > Plugins.
@juneroses -- No, it shouldn't. However, be sure to show your husband how to disable Java via the Java Control Panel after he completes the crossword puzzles. If he has more than one browser installed, be sure Java is disabled on the alternate browser and only have the tab open at the crossword puzzle site when Java is activated, rather than multi-tasking.
@marknmt -- I haven't had Java on my computer for well over 3 years and have no problems following people on Facebook without Java.
@not2bright -- NoScript helps but I wouldn't depend on it. If you don't need Java, uninstall it.
@cricketm -- An astounding 85 security vulnerabilities!!! That should be enough to scare anyone away from having Java installed. Sadly, some of those same vulnerabilities have supposedly already been fixed, the key being "supposedly".
Corrinne, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm not uncomfortable when people disagree with me as some others seem to be.
In the Java panic you cite, what was more likely for a Mac owner - suffering a real loss from an infection or from a car accident? I suspect the odds were pretty similar for each, yet you're not recommending people walk wherever they go.
And if a machine is infected, assuming common sense backup and recovery is available, what's the consequence of an infection? Should be nothing more than a slight inconvenience.
Am I missing something? I'm always ready to learn, I just think those who cause the cattle to stampede should try to strike a better balance.
For me it is just an inconvenience, I do have back up and reformatting CDs, but I also protect myself when I know something is out there. It would be foolish to leave Java on my PC with all of this going on regardless of the odds.
Sounds like a teenage conversation in the back seat of a car, "don't worry you won't get pregnant".
Prophylaxis is a wonderful thing no matter the focus. Webster's New Collegiate definition: measures designed to preserve health and prevent the spread of disease.
I have to admit Java is not as necessary on my system as I thought it would be. I have gone through many of my bookmarks and the sites work just fine, and this includes my granddaughter's all important Disney Junior and Nick Junior. Whew!
I have always maintain my systems pared down leaving only what I need installed. I am going to follow RC's lead and leave Java off unless a time comes when I must install it.
This post was edited by damccoy on Sat, Jan 12, 13 at 14:41
Since there is no relation between the 600,000+ Mac infections and a car accident, there is no correlation. Unfortunately, there are no statistics yet for 2012 motor vehicle accidents, although most reports indicate that the number has dropped since the last census information was reported. However, using the most recent statistics available for the number of motor vehicle accidents by the percentage of Mac users, there was a 66.6% greater chance that Mac users would have been infected than in a car accident.
Thus, even your completely unrelated analogy is flawed.
Back to Java, on my Windows 7 64 bit I found a Java 7 which I removed, but I also found listed: JavaFX2.1.1 activated July 1, 2012. Any comment on this? Is it just more Java application, or something unrelated?
Here's what I was trying to say in my admittedly quick but intending to be reasonable comparison, based on internet information (always a scary thing to do). I wasn't implying a connection but rather comparing low rates of incidence.
Say there are 30 million Macs in existence. 600K infections is a 2 percent infection rate. An insurance company website said that over a 5 year period of time, 25% of drivers will have an accident. 5% per year.
When numbers get small, multiples get meaningless. Let's say that auto accidents are 200% of Mac infections (instead of 167% as you cite), so 4% instead of 2%. That means 98% of Mac owners didn't get an infection and 95 or 96% of drivers won't have an accident this year. Both of these are low rates of incidence that (to me) don't warrant altering behavior. You and anyone else is of course welcome to have a different view. My view is that there are too many risks in the world to pay undue attention to those with low likelihood.
I do not have Java in my Programs, however, would it appear as an add-in somewhere where the words "Java" would not be visible to me? Besides programs, should I be looking anywhere else for anything that contains Java? Thanks.
debi 2006, anyone with an older computer (i.e., Windows XP) could have Java versions that begin with JDK, JRE or SDK. Other names to look for include the following:
Hmm... I only have Java 7 listed in my program files, but when I went to the App Data folders I found the following. Should I delete all the folders but 7.0.10 ?
This post was edited by not2bright on Sat, Jan 12, 13 at 18:57
My Windows 8 laptop has a few questionable Programs and I don't know if it has to do with Java but they have the "SDK" letters you mention. Here's the Programs:
MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK (by Microsoft Corp.) - I know the SP2 has something to do with MS Srv Pak 2
Intel SDK for OpenCL - CPU Only Runtime Package
Are they okay or should I uninstall them as not to jeopardize anything else on the puter. I looked them up on Google and I didn't see anything relating to Java.
My husbands laptop was infected by a nasty, a year ago. He is not careful about updating anything and his version of Java was an old one. The infection came through Java.
I came to this forum for help and Raven and Zep helped me through the long process of restoring the laptop without losing everything. We were traveling at the time and had to buy a cheap laptop (no laptops are cheap when you are broke) to get us through our trip.
Returning home, I followed the good advice given by Raven and Zep and Corrine. It took me 2 weeks to finally get the laptop cleaned up. It was a long, difficult road and I would not want to go through that again. It was more than an 'inconvenience.'
If Raven, Zep and Corrine recommend removing Java - do it without question. I am so grateful for their help and experience and would never second guess them.
Snidely, you are trained in computers and might find an infection an easy fix. For the average user, who has little technical knowledge of how these machines work, a virus can be a disaster. I would never gamble with it. The odds are stacked against someone like me.
I deleted my Java. My Java said 6 update 37. I don't see anyone else say those numbers. I hadn't installed the latest one but would have today. I hope I got it all. I lost my favorite card site & the online clock...not sure what else yet. I hope I can get them back soon. Dar
Fortunately, Avira customers can relax a bit as all Avira software products now protect against generic exploits of the Java 7 vulnerability. Although detecting the exploits does not fix the Java 7 flaw, it keeps Avira customers safe from having their computers used in potentially malicious actions and from losing their private data.
The reason it would only be an inconvenience for me is that I would reformat my PC. Except for the updates and my memory I don't mind doing it at all. Ha, that doesn't say much for my life or lack of a life. When I first started using a PC I kept a notebook on my desk to right down tips and changes I made. That tip book is long gone and I find now I have to keep notes again for instructions for things like getting rid of the "new tab" page and "tabs on top".
My son woke up this morning & had lost many things (he had everything backed up) His mail, folders & all..bookmarks & a few other things were all gone. Reason I'm posting here about it could this be the results of Java problem. I haven't noticed anything different on mine. I took off Java using Add-remove. I hope that way got it all. I lost my world clock & some card games which I used almost every day. I'll survive till I can put java back on.
I did notice that MWB looks different. I scanned clean. Dar
I reinstalled Java tonite.. I downloaded from Ninite. Am I OK or should I delete & install from some place else. I sure don't want any problems now. Dar
This Java Zero Day garbage has been going on for a while. As far back as last August I think. I am going to download the new update and have it available, but not install it unless I find some need for it.
This morning on boot I got an Avira pop-up telling me it had updated - this is normal, but this time it offered "additional features" which I rejected. There was no additional mention of Java security.
I know Avira Free is a sales platform for that security business, this is likely just a new marketing twist, not a must have "fix" i.e, "Additional Features"
Microsoft has a special security update out today too.. after 10am pacific. Think its for some, but not all versions of IE. They don't say much other than its special.
This post was edited by mikie on Mon, Jan 14, 13 at 10:57
Thanks, I had hoped MS might do something in their "Windows Defender".... to the best of my (poor) memory, IE for XP is no longer supported - at least not for feature additions/changes a.k.a. improvements
I still have Windows XP operating system. Lately some websites I visit have asked me to update my browser. I already have Internet Explorer 8. Why don't they recognize it?
World Start Newsletter's..answer ..I quote.."Windows XP, which was released in 2001, was declared "end of mainstream support" by Microsoft back in 2009. In April of 2014 it will reach "final end of life", where it will no longer receive critical security updates of any kind. Microsoft has not released Internet Explorer 9 for Windows XP because of this, so you�re left using IE 8, which is a nearly three year old web browser design.
The best solution, if you are still using Windows XP, is to consider using an alternate web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Both are very well regarded and considered by almost all techies as superior to IE8. These web browsers are also updated and feature the latest in security and compatibility with websites that use some of the latest technology."
soooooooo..One of my desktops has Windows XP Home edition...so I downloaded Google Chrome...it is fast and awesome....my other two computers have IE 9.0 which I prefer...it is matter of preference...whatever rings your bells!!!.
I downloaded from Ninite before I saw the Java page. I sure don't need any problems.
I know what I have to do today.. Save several things like my bookmarks, address book & documents.. I TRY to keep them up to date. I'm not sure what else is important to save. Dar
juneroses Z9a Cntrl Fl
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