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about carrot cake jam

followed mostly receipe posted here a while back suposedly from the Ball book.

It it really only 1 1/2 cups of pears etc???? no mention of chopping pears? i used like 5 medium pears. cause it seemed so little of everything

The gal on you tube did heres with 3 cups of the pears... etc

Hardly any liquid...... I added some Sana Cruz organic lemonade so it could boil...

Then I had some low sugar pectin ... so I used like less than 4 cups of sugar. I could have gotten by with 3 or 3 and 1/2 cups of sugar. The texture was so weird before the pectin and sugar.

More like a thick thick beef stew>>>>> LOL

Plus not that pretty bright orange color like pictured on various sites....



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