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Landscaping under a shady oak

11 years ago

I live in Tampa and have a shady area under an oak tree on the north side of my house that I would like to landscape. It gets full morning sun, but is mostly shady during the day. As you can see from the picture, most of the grass has died off and the soil sometimes erodes onto the sidewalk during heavy rains. Not attractive at all. I was looking for suggestions for some low maintenance ground cover or shrubs that I could plant in the yard in place of grass.

I was thinking of just putting a circle of mulch around the tree that extends out a couple of feet since it's so difficult to plant there with all the roots. Then perhaps have various shrubs/perrenials along the front and side of the house in planting beds. I was also thinking of planting asiatic jasmine to cover the other areas as a general ground cover, leaving a space for a walking pathway next to the planting beds using pea gravel or mulch.

Thanks for your help!

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