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Ruby Red Grapefruit Tree

I moved into my present home here on the SW Florida coast (3 miles from the nearest saltwater ) in Dec 2008 and found a magnificent, 20 + foot tall Ruby Red grapefruit tree in the backyard. Not being " clued in ", I non-chalanted it, concentrating instead of planting and nurturing my four 6 ft tall mango trees.

Then I couldn't ignore it, the grapefruits that were falling were they best I have ever eaten, - ever ! Had dozens and dozens of large, firm Ruby Reds and realized how special they are.

Anyway, had 3 great harvests and all was fine until this last one in Dec 2011, which was a big disappointment. The fruits were fewer and much smaller. So am wondering, do mature grapefruit trees, like my Ruby Red, have " off years " ? Where they have one year of dissappointing fruit, and then bounce back the next year ? Or must I take some action asap in order to get this tree back on track ? The new, small green fruits are already on the tree, but hard to tell what the outcome will be.

Because of its size I never fertilized it or watered it, figuring Mother Nature was now in control of the massive root system. Am hoping someone out there has a comment or two,..will be devastated if this marvelous producer starts slip sliding in its production again this December.


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