Research and Current Profile of Iranian Production of Damask Rose
12 years ago
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Products & recipes that you love & roses that gave joy
Comments (45)Hi Mas: That was funny !! One runner-up in Biggest Loser stated: no matter how much one works out, if one doesn't change how one eats, it doesn't matter much. SO TRUE !! I put in 2 hours of snow-shoveling yesterday, and lost only 1/2 lb. on the scale. Compare that to 3 lb. a week, with zero work, when I drastically changed my eating a decade ago. For me eating while watching TV for the past years caused weight gain .. I mindlessly throw stuff into my mouth without thinking. So I took away the table in front of the TV, and put my Nordic-ski-machine, plus a Bow-flex. It works !! Now I eat slowly at the kitchen table, drink herbal tea while eating, plus lots of RAW veggies ... that really cut down my intake of food. Eating mindlessly, esp. in front of the TV, can pack on pounds. It didn't dawn on me, until I asked Jesus to help me with losing weight. Hi Frances & Damask & Jim: So glad to have all of you here with your strong faiths. To improve my kid's handwring, I copy & paste Bible verses from my Pinterest into Microsoft Word document. I chose a nice font at size 18, print in light blue, and made her trace that in black ink. One verse that she traced today: 2 Peter 2:19 "They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity--for "people are slaves to whatever has mastered them."" Also Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make our paths straight." Below is the link to my Pinterest with pics. of roses, plus Bible verses, recipes, etc. Here is a link that might be useful: Straw's collection of rose pics, Bible verse, recipes This post was edited by Strawberryhill on Mon, Feb 2, 15 at 15:29...See More10/24/15: Feed rose & us toward health & lose weight & protect eyes
Comments (66)Carol: I'm happy and proud for Holly. Autistic children are VERY SMART, and VERY GIFTED. Jess: I was puzzled by the 40 lbs. mistake too, I saw your hand in one of the pic., it's a slender hand. I'm happy that it's only 20 lbs., due to the kilograms conversion. Twenty pounds is easy to lose. It took me 6 months to lose 20 lbs. when I had the time to eat salad & apple & carrot & exercise. Then I got busy & get into fast-food & IV myself with juice ... and gained back 20 lbs. WEIGHT-LOSS is a life-long-habit to MAINTAIN, rather than a goal to achieve. People achieve that goal, go back to the old habits, and re-gain all-over again. Jim: Thanks for that link on processed meat, I read the entire article. I wish it would say how many people were involved in that study, or how many test-subjects. Re-post info. from Huffingpost on tips to lose weight: "Aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day from plant foods, since fiber helps fill you up and slows absorption of carbohydrates. " Portion control: Popular “100-calorie” food packages do the portion controlling for you Eating mindfully means giving full attention to what you eat, savoring each bite, acknowledging what you like and don’t like, and not eating when distracted (such as while watching TV, working on the computer). Chew slowly, and savor each bite: Keep in mind also that the most pleasure often comes from the first few bites of a food; after that, it’s the law of diminishing returns. Thus, you should focus on those first few tastes of chocolate, cake, or other indulgences, as this may be enough to satisfy. Get protein in all meals: Some research suggests that distributing your protein throughout the day also helps in weight loss, rather than eating the bulk of it at, say, dinnertime. According to a 2015 paper in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, higher-protein diets that include at least 25 grams of protein at each meal may reduce appetite and thus body weight, compared with lower-protein diets. Limit variety at meals. Don’t drink your calories. Allow for (controlled) indulgences. Consider weighing yourself regularly—at least once a week." Huffington Post Tips. **** From Straw: I agree with the above. My lowest weights were achieved when I snacked on high-fiber & high-protein cereal with soy milk ... with at least 35 gram of fiber per day. Also at least 25 g. of protein for each meal, be it peanut-butter or eggs for breakfast, beans for lunch, or fish/meat for dinner. I gained weight whenever I forget to weigh myself at least once a week. Really love their tip of " Keep in mind also that the most pleasure often comes from the first few bites of a food; after that, it’s the law of diminishing returns." So true, I really enjoy the first 4 bites of peanut-butter toast, that's all I can remember ... the rest was just to fill my stomach. Dolly Parton stays slim with her life-long habit, she eats 3 bites of a yummy food, and NO MORE. Practice portion-control is actually fun, once it becomes a habit. So proud of myself last night, I had a sour fruit, so I grabbed a fig-bar, took 3 bites, it was too sweet ... Instead of finishing that, I told myself "You don't have to eat that, you can give it to God." So I wrapped the rest and put away, GREAT FEELING! It felt good to be in control over a piece of junk, and turning something over to God, rather than torturing my body with that....See MoreHigh Country Roses has moved. Roses love the new location!
Comments (57)Vaporvac, I would love it if you could come. But there aren't any other rose aficionados there. I brought Oranges N Lemons and Sally Holmes last year and there weren't really any takers. The Oranges N Lemons went in the free for all at the end where you just grab whats left but I brought the Sally Holmes home. This year I didn't bring the Gourmet Popcorn I gave away because we hadn't dug it up yet. Instead I advertised it on Nextdoor so someone could research it and really want it. If I thought there would be any interest we would have made more of an effort to get it dug up. In terms of timing they are decided upon a few weeks in advance based on the schedule of the person volunteering to host. BTW, my other Oranges N Lemons I tried to propagate died over the winter in our basement but the Sally Holmes appears to have hung on. It showed a small amount of new growth this spring but is back in the basement due to bad weather. I don't yet know where I will put it if I keep it. The Oranges N Lemons in the yard showed great new growth a month ago but then got badly shredded by the hail. Right now it is looking iffy if it makes it with barely any green on it's little stub of a self. I think if it doesn't I won't replace it with another. We just have bad juju with that rose. First it gets run over with a garden cart the same day it goes in the ground, then the rooting portion dies due to neglect when my mom forgot to water the basement plants while we were on vacation. And now it gets hammered by hail....See MoreDamask, Portland, HP, Bourbon, Alba, Moss, Centifolia (OGR) Share 2023
Comments (93)Magpie, Yay! Isapahan is bursting in blooms! I really love this rose! I am excited it can bloom for 6 weeks, too! What an amazing OGR!!! Sge is gorgeous with the most delucate but beautiful blooms! I am sure you are really enjoying her! @Feiy (PNWZ8b/9a) I love your Ispahan! Veryvtempring-makes me want one!!! Yours is breathtakingly gorgeous! I think if I can find a place for her that I need to add her! Wpwsa she blooms well! My north side of backyard gets maybe 6 hrs sun… only hsrdy roses grow there… how hardy us she? Maybe she could go there? Oops, ok! I went looking to purchase Isoahan but not available niw…. on wait lust of Heirloom Roses & RVRs, but RVR had Indigo for sale still available!!!! ….. which I have been admiring since researching her after seeing Magpie’s, Chris’ & Paul’s Indigo-soooo beautiful! So Indigo OGR comes to my gardens shipoed on July 3! She’s my ”Almost 4th of July rose.” Sometimes she is crimsin, too too, Lol Lol! I see she can be ”mauve, crimsin, lighter lavendar & dark purple…. fun to see her change colors! Indigo, RVRs photo...See MoreRelated Professionals
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