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Zoysia Grass - Need advice

10 years ago

I am preparing to get grass going in my backyard. I tentatively intend to lay zoysia sod a 1000 square foot area on a slope near my house, and seed the rest (~10,000 sq ft) of the yard I have two questions:

1 - My sod options are El Torro and Cavalier Zoysia - which will look most similar to the seeded varieties, can anyone recommend one over the other to me?

2 - I am looking at zenith and compadre zoysia seed, and I have found a blend of the two sold by - I could not find any reviews or examples of anyone having blended the two, can anyone share any input on whether I should seed zenith, compadre, or a blend?

Addtional Info: I am located between Sanford and Spring Lake, NC, around 50 miles southwest of Raleigh. My yard is part shade due to a couple of trees. I have sandy, slightly acidic soil, but intend to do amendments prior to seeding/sodding. I have bermudagrass in front that I love and is thriving, but I feel I zoysia will do better in my shady backyard, and I don't want to spend as much on fertilizer as I do for the bermuda. I also have found I need to mow the bermuda every 4 days or so to keep it looking best, and would prefer to mow the back only weekly. I have a fairly high-traffic yard (frequent cookouts, and a large dog.)

Thanks in advance for any input/advice!

This post was edited by Sandhills_NC on Sat, Apr 26, 14 at 21:33

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