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Doing it all wrong.

10 years ago

Hi. My name is Rachael and I'm about as novice of a gardener as it gets. It seems though that I have screwed things up before they even got started. I've always wanted a garden but because I live in a rental ( so I can't tear up the lawn for a raised bed) and am of small means, I just didn't think it was possible.

Trying to figure out a solution, I thought of containers on a table. My Dad was able to build me a wonderful table and I thought I had it made. Haha, not so. Then began the journey of trying to find containers I could afford and after weeks of fretting, I finally found them. Hooray !! Victory !! Or not. I had had some seedlings I had started ( and consequently killed ) and I had picked up a couple veggies here and there. I was SO excited, let me tell you, I have been on what I can only call a gardening high.

When my flowers sprouted I was ecstatic. I'm not so concerned about them though, I just got a value pack of seeds and a wildflower mix and hoped for the best. I wanted my own food though, I wanted it fresh, knowing what went into it. No grocery store, no traffic, no crowds - perfect. I like none of those things lol

So, I got to work hauling 19 three gallon buckets of black dirt ( yep ) and about 4 garbage bags of it, hauling it from my Moms house to mine, back and forth, loading and unloading. Taking my seedlings ( flowers and veggies) in and out of the house like a mad woman, protecting them from our wacky frosts.

I thought "I can DO this though, I have dirt" ! That was they key. The table, the pots and the dirt was supposed to be the trifecta of glory just waiting for plants to be lovingly planted in and on them. I even went through quite the ordeal sawing through a whisky barrel lid to make a rain barrel because I pay for my water and rain water is free! I thought I had yet achieved another victory. Here I am, thinking I'm a big deal problem solver because I've gotten all these ducks in a row. Well...

1. Black dirt. In containers. Now common sense told me it seemed too muddy, so I bit the bullet and bought a couple bags of potting soil. I had some seed starting mix left over so I mixed it all together. Then I found so old cactus mix, and thought it was just what I needed, well draining and all. Which brings me to 2.

2. Layers, I guess an inch of cactus mix on the bottom won't make a stitch of difference concerning how well my soil drains. Lovely.

3. Black pots, full sun, from noon on.

4. Crimson sweet watermelons are HUGE, have to bring those to my Moms house because I don't have to room or means to deal with 25lb watermelons.

5. Now I need 5 gallon buckets because broccoli and cauliflower are evidently huge plants. If they even have enough time in the first case.

My biggest issue I think, is the soil and manhandling my plants that I have already transplanted. From what I've read I have no recourse but the re-pot them all using potting mix, right? I'm tapped though, I spent the last little bit I had on peppers and onions ( yeah onions, I can't help what I like but I didn't know I'd need a bathtub to grow them in lol) today and I would need a whole boat load of potting soil to replace the black dirt/potting soil/seed starting mix/cactus soil mix I've used and have yet to use. I don't know what to do. This isn't even the whole ordeal, but a majority anyway. I just had to voice my frustration and if anyone has any out of the box ideas on how I can fix this or even commiserate I'd be grateful to hear it.

This post was edited by RachaelA on Sun, May 19, 13 at 18:33

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