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sorbet, worth it?

claudia valentine
9 months ago

I have a big box of fresh white peaches. They are very sweet and they are beautiful!

So, I decided that I would give a try at something different and make a sorbet.

So, the basic is just fruit, some citric acid to prevent browning and a simple sugar syrup.

Cut them up and pureed them an added the simple sugar syrup that i had made.

It frothed up, all pink and pretty with the bits of the peel.

I turned it in to the Cusininart ice cream churn and churned until it seemed right.

It is OK, but it leaves me wondering just what is the appeal of this sweet sorbet?

I dont think that I will waste my fresh peaches on this kind of thing again. It is just too sweet!

I had about maybe two quarts of cut up peaches and I used 1/3 cup of sugar to make a simple syrup. These peaches are exceptionally sweet already!

It is too sweet for my taste. Most directions call for more sugar than that, and I have seen that some recommend corn syrup instead of sugar because it keep it more smooth and counteracts the crystals. You kind of expect the crystals as it is a bit like eating a snowball with real fruit.

It hardened up in the freezer but does respond well to letting it sit out a few minutes before. It is alright as a small little bit of something, but not enough to waste good peaches on.

I dont like dairy and I thought that maybe with no dairy it might be good.

i understand that gelato and sherbert both are made with dairy. I am just intensely repulsed by milk.

The local peaches this year are absolutely wonderful! I bought a half bushel of yellow ones earlier. Now , the same of white peaches. I prefer the white ones. Gonna just eat them as they naturally are while they are in season. I would never buy them unless they are local and in season. The same with apples, only local and seasonal.

Any thoughts on sorbet?

I was thinking of it much as one does an ice cream or frozen yougurt, but it's original intention was different. Who eats like that, with courses and such?

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