ole joyful's experience doing Wordle today Aug. 7
2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago
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The Target Experience
Comments (34)I still use checks, as well. Don't know how those of you who don't manage? Just today, I wrote a check to the builder who's finishing out our garage. It was either a check or cash but certainly not a debit card. I live in a small village with lots of Mom/Pop shops. They don't take plastic...so I write checks. My cleaning lady doesn't take plastic either & I don't always have enough cash. Same with the piano teacher. Anyway, I'm amazed that some don't write checks anymore. I'm a genealogist & my DH & I take frequent grave searching expeditions. On this particular trip...we started in NH, went to the northern most part of Vermont, headed down through MA, & then on to Pennsylvania returning through the southern tip of NY. We made this trip is just 4 days. We made purchases along the way with a credit card. In PA, at a gas stop our credit card was denied. We're both bankers so we weren't worried...knew why but still had to call the service. They said that they were concerned that our card had been snatched since we hadn't used it in a few months & purchases had been made in several states in just a few days. No problem. We were GLAD they were being attentive. As bankers, we're aware of the fraud that's happening. You just wouldn't believe how bad it's gotten. Not a week goes by without some new fraud scheme being detected at the bank. Our bank (and employer) has instigated new online protections that are almost onerous to use but I'm sure it will only become more so. We've stopped using online banking & DH IS EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT! They try so hard to keep everybody safe but these fraud rings are getting very, very sophisticated. So many of the scams are coming out of eastern Europe. Somebody can steal your plastic (or just the number) here in the US & within 45 minutes an exact copy of your debit or credit card has been made in some place like the Chech Republic, & is being used in France that evening to purchase a diamond necklace...and that's no joke. You have my very best wishes for a speedy recovery. For those of you who rely on plastic to handle your finances...take every single precaution you can & still be concerned enough to pay close attention. Also, be familar with bank liability (or, the lack thereof) in the event a fraud scheme manages to find you. It's not their fault somebody gets a hold of your number & they're not always responsible. Tricia...See MoreHappy Birthday, Ole Joyful!
Comments (57)Glad to hear you had a good day and are out and about as usual. Recycling is an inefficient answer to the problem of too much trash. Best not to buy the 'trash' in the first place. That's hard to do, when at least half of what's on the shelf in the grocery store is *plastic* and will NEVER go away. (I heard that statistic on PBS radio this morning, a rebroadcast from the BBC.) I've just realized that I will soon reach the last year where I can offhandedly refer to being 'in my seventies'. <sigh>...See MoreRotator cuff is hurting a lot. Your experience?
Comments (41)I felt a growing pain from my right shoulder, 4 years ago. It was not from a sudden injury, but apparently more of a 'frayed' tear, caused by wear and tear, literally. My sister had rotator cuff repair surgery a year prior, and urged me to try physical therapy before opting for surgery. My doctor referred me to a physical therapist specializing in rotator cuff injuries. I did 3 weeks of formal therapy, then just took home the pamphlets they provided, and continued therapy on my own. I bought a stretchy bungee type strap and some light weights. At first it was pretty painful doing the exercises, but every week it became less so. Eventually I just did exercises, like the dangling arm rotation, without any accessories. About 3 months later I kind of let that fizzle out, as I no longer had any pain when using my arm. I've had no pain since then, but don't have full flexibility in my right arm, which I realize may have been recovered if I'd had surgery, or done the exercises for longer. However, the flexibility I lost does not affect anything I would need to do. With my 'good' arm, I can nestle my left elbow tight to my side, then move my forearm up my spine and reach the nape of my neck with my left hand, or lift my right arm over my shoulder and grab my left hand with my right one. But I can't nestle my right elbow right against my side, and can only inch my right arm to just above my bra clasp. I don't know if it's scar tissue or simply that my arm didn't heal fully from the exercises, to regain my former flexibility. Regardless, I have full flexibility in every other way with my right arm and shoulder, with no pain. So I'm satisfied with my choice to avoid surgery, as I don't do well with either anesthesia or painkillers....See Moreole joyful needs help - what foods need I eat to build blood back up?
Comments (32)I've fed myself for years, and solo son is here with me. They've planned a return of my visiting nurse who came about monthly to change catheters after my car died almost two years ago, I'd visited clinic for two or three years prior, I expect no ongoing need, as surgeon inserted a pipe through my prostate last fall and no catheters since, prior to the blood a couple of weeks ago. I knew how to change catheters, had done it once when a blockage, nurse not immediately available and lacked transport to hosp. urgent care. My prostate has long been large, about ten years ago when some guys were telling of their distaste for the doc putting finger up rearend to investigate, I laughed and asked, "You think you got problems - how'd you like to be your doc?"! They'd never thought about that! Sometimes if we can put ourselves into someone else's shoes for a while, it'll help us get some more neighborly view of life, and if more of us did it more often, it'd help build happier communities. Of 12 samples taken about then cancer found in 6 or 7 had 35 shots radiation, no chemo, managed without incident since, doc said he found no evidence of cancer when he put that pipe in last fall. When doc's happy - I'm happy. Prior to the surgery, when nurse called to instruct me, when she asked me to explain in own words what to happen, I said urethra yelling at prostate - "My job is to take urine to the outside world and you're squeezing so much that I can't do it - would you darn well stay in your own lane!". The nurse laughed, saying "That's the best one I've heard all day! I've gotta tell it to my friends!" I said, "Ma'am, you guys in health care have had huge pressures and stresses to deal with for over three years now and you've persisted and been there for us when we needed you, and if you find some stress relief in some of my humour, go for it!". Some lack of energy and stamina, but feeling well, next to no pain or difficulties, getting quite a lot of sleep. Was taking glucosamine sulfate to help with joints, I was off all my regular meds while in hosp. and now that I'm back on some discomfort in right shoulder improving. ole joyful...See More- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
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