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Almost February Week 1 but it's actually still January

2 years ago

Friday I set up my seed-shelf. Someone gave me some free shelves... but only 7 posts (the top half, one is missing) and none of the little black clips. I found the correct size I needed on Amazon, and could fit that lower half of the shelf under what I used last year. Yipeee. :)

Went to a lecture/presentation on the Jefferson highway, of which I knew nothing prior to. It was at the Honeyfield battleground. Saw they caught me in a picture on their facebook page. I invited my friend Esther (non gardening, but cycling friend) and never take pictures when she is along, as she doesn't want to be on FB at all.

She is sitting to the right of me in the picture.

Danny, for heavens sake, get WELL!


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