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Today's Bread Bake

Baked 8 baguettes and 8 small boules this morning.

Last boule out of the oven before 8:30 this morning.

Started two Bigas yesterday morning. Each the same. 220g of flour, 220g of water and 1g of yeast.

Last night, I made two batches of dough. Each with a Biga and 1000g of flour, 650g of water and 30g of salt. The baguette batch had the addition of 1g of yeast and the boule batch was just the Biga.

Both left out overnight for a slow rise.

Interesting, the batch with just the Biga was a slightly faster rise. I put that bucket outside around midnight to slow down the rise.

Brought it in after the baguettes were all shaped and almost ready for the oven. By the time the baguettes were out of the oven, the boules were almost ready to bake.

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