Some options for LR rug
3 years ago
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My LR needs some pizzazz!
Comments (12)I would worry about other more important things than the EC to start with. There is a skill involved to painting wood furniture and a lot of prep work and time involved. First of all, do you have a budget to sink into your plans to change the room? Or are you looking for "no cost" decorating? The first thing I would change in the room is the blue slipcovered recliner. That would have the biggest impact. If you cannot afford a new recliner, at least change out the slipcover to a dark neutral color. You said you want blue and brown in the room, but the blue chair is too light colored and huge. Just use a lot of deep blue accents in the room and keep the furniture neutral. The photo is dated from 2007. Have you made any changes to the room since? Before I would paint that whole EC I would try changing out those plain wood knobs to something with more bling. How about some ceramic knobs? Or ORB? Remove the photos. Put them in a grouping on the wall if you wish them to remain in the room. Put just a few decor items on the shelves. That ceramic cat looks like someone is going to accidentally kick it. Put it up on the shelf. I would switch the two chairs and have the one with the ottoman on the other side so that it does not block the entrance to the room. This will also put the ottoman in a position help break up the view of the light wood EC. It looks like the couch is on an angle or is that just the way it photographed. It looks like it is angled for better TV viewing and ther is a headprint in the pillow. Maybe a completely different furniture arrangment is needed to make the room more functional? You say the room is very dark and lacks light. Removing the valance and just having hanging panels will help with that. The drapes don't really work well with the modern carpet. Solid color panels in one or two tones, would add more of a 'wow' factor and not look so fussy. Sometimes its the "little things" that take away the beauty of a room. Cut the white tags off of the pillows. Move the floor plant away from the couch. Choose a richer color blue for the room. There is some light blue in the rug and that is good, but light blue scattered throughout the room is too chaotic. Because of the gold in the rug and on the walls you need a deeper richer blue, not a pastel. This: Not this: Choose some pillows that bring in the blue in a subtle way with a mixed in a print with th brown. At least one pillow on the leather couch should be suede or tapestry - something 'weighty'. This? LOL. Some wall art will make the room sing. Maybe you have something from another room or stored away? The mirror that is on order sounds nice and is a good choice if you say the room needs more light. A little sparkle will brighten it up....See MoreNeed help finding a rug for LR
Comments (67)No idea about what it costs. It's not going to be cheap, but it'll be worth it. And don't worry about having to slice into a rug in order to be able to use a floor outlet. It's counterintuitive, I know, but you don't have to cut a hole, just a slice. It's under the sofa, so it can't be seen, and if you ever hand the rug down or move it somewhere else, the slice will never be seen. Just make sure you slice with with something VERY sharp so that you can get the cleanest cut possible. A larger rug for that room is worth the slicing, IMO. I would contact Safavieh directly and start there....See MoreMade some LR decisions--but need input (pics!)
Comments (36)She thought the style was too boxy to pair with the drexel chair and that it didn't bring in enough of the french curves she knows I like. The more I think about the whole room, I think these are a better pairing for the rustic quasi-elegant look I am shooting for though. I wish I could see it in other fabrics/finishes.. I am having a hard time picturing it in something other than the striped cheetah (BTW Drexel Heritage has a great program to allow you to change the fabrics/finishes.. this is Hickory White though). I also wish I could sit in them.. they are not on the showroom floor. I do know that I want exposed wood on the fireplace chairs-- but other than that, I am all over the place still. More reason to wait on that decision. I am also thinking that I could use the Drexel chair elsewhere-- dining room or bedroom-- but the new CL chair will likely go to one of those spots (or my office)....See MoreSeeking rug advice for one continuous LR-DR
Comments (6)I think the key is compatible colors, not necessarily matching patterns. Different sizes/shapes also help to define the areas as separate functional areas that make up a cohesive whole. From my entry you can see (somewhat) into 3 different areas, so I have 3 rugs in one pattern (different shapes and sizes) in that area that contain colors that are echoed in rugs in the other three areas, though the styles/shapes of the other areas are decidedly different. My kitchen is open to my family room and visible from both the dining room and entry, so the rugs in my kitchen have some of the colors of the rugs in my entry, family room and dining room, but a decidedly different pattern from those other areas. Same with all of the other downstairs rooms... Part of it was 'planned decorating', and part of it was 'oooh, I love this one, too - I can make that work!'... and okay, I admit it - I went a little wild on the Rugs USA site on some of their killer sale weekends. Part of the joy of area rugs is that you can move them around when you want to, so if you've got compatible colors, you can easily relieve the 'this room needs a change' itch. ;-)...See MoreRelated Professionals
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