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big 4 sewing patterns

I just took a walk through the current offerings of the big 4 pattern companies and I was surprised at my lack of interest in the any of them.

The companies seem to bounce between republishing vintage patterns to rehashing the same old structured garments.

I found nothing that inspired a second look, at all.

I understand that they are all owned by the same corporation since sometime around 2016.

How uninspiring they are!

I find much more inspiration from the independent companies. There are a couple from Australia that I have found to have nice styles.

It seems to me that American styles are really stuck in the past and about as boring as white bread and mayo. Also, they still promote way too much structure and not enough comfort. Then, just try and find any fabric to sew most of these things with.............

I appreciate a casual and comfortable garment that is free of zippers, fitted waistbands, and loads of buttons.

It makes me wonder just what is the future of these big 4 that have dominated here in America.

I have quit buying patterns. I had a lot and got rid of a lot but still have enough to cobble together to create my own without having to do much drafting.

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