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Kitchen faucet finish and mixing metals

Maria V
4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

Hi there,

I’d really appreciate some advice on faucet finish and mixing metals in the kitchen.

As much as I love bridge faucets, we will be installing a single hole pull-down faucet.!c1705989067!a65446962206!dc!ng&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9tbzBRDVARIsAMBplx_mPQ-J4Wd3Qus-oh2Na-21jCVpUomrmDqYNbJ5-x3SoXopkB7kMMIaAkz-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Our kitchen will have almost exactly the color scheme in the photo below. The cabinets, stainless steel appliances, floors, countertop and wall color are all very similar or the same. The main differences are that our sink will be a stainless steel undermount and the cabinet pulls will be unlaquered brass. The light fixtures will probably also have some brass finishes.

I’m struggling to choose a finish for the faucet. Brushed stainless would blend with the appliances but I don’t love brushed metals for a faucet because I like it to shine. Can I get away with chrome or polished nickel or are we mixing too many metals, especially given the refrigerator will be close to the sink and that this will be the only element in that metal? If so, would you do chrome or polished nickel?

Thank you!

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