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Help! What to do about our 1920s tub?

5 years ago

Looking for some sage advice about our bathroom renovation conundrum. Our home is a 1929 brick colonial in a Chicago suburb and preserving a vintage feel is important to us. The main bathroom was remodeled by previous owners sometime in the 1990s-2000s. In doing so, they left the original 1920s cast iron tub in place, refinished in an almond color that's starting to chip.

The tub measures 29" by 60" and is wedged into the corner of the bathroom, just barely small enough for the space--there's a significant notch in the doorframe to accommodate it.

Originally, when we started to talk about redoing the bathroom, I figured we'd just refinish the tub again--easy peasy. But our contractor recommended that we not risk refinishing it a second time, saying we'd only get 5-10 years out of the new finish at best.

So my questions are:

  1. Do you agree with my contractor? Not worth the risk to remodel around a tub with a questionable finish? And if so,
  2. What the heck can I replace this thing with? I cannot find anything this size or shape, which is crazy to me because it's such a common set-up in vintage homes! It seems my only options are 30" alcove or drop-in acrylic tubs, which I'm afraid are going to be too tight against the door (again, current tub is 29") ... not to mention we'd have to build some sort of wall situation on the left end because no one makes a two-sided tub anymore.

Anyone faced a similar situation when renovating in an older home? Any ideas for us?

Thanks in advance for your help! :)

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