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Browning and dying bamboo leaves

Ákos Tinya
5 years ago


I've planted moso bamboo from seed several times in the last years, but the problem was always the same. Leaf tips from the bottom start browning and dying, and brow patches on leaves also appear. The newborn leaves looks healthy, but after a short period of time they start to die too. When the grow of the new leaves slows down, the dying from the bottom reaches the whole plant it dies. I’ve tried many ways to see what could cause the problem, but could not figure it out. I tried more/less water, more/less sun, indoor/outdoor, more/less humidity, different types of soil etc. I use fertilizer every 2 weeks. I could not see any pests. I could not find any similar issues on the internet, and I’m really out of ideas. Have you get any?


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