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Help Me Pick an Exterior Paint Colors to work with This House

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

We will be painting likely in the spring unless things warm up enough this fall. House is rough stucco. Its currently a pale yellowish that we hate. House has a dark gray roof with a hint of brown (Canadian Driftwood- see pic below as our house pics don't allow for a good view of it.)

Pics are of current front of house, front of house with some proposed changes planned for next year (though not as grand as shown in pic...less stone overall and reduced deck size on the left), back of house, close up of stone we have on the house and back yard landscaping.

Trim is white. Lighting and railings are/will be black. We have a lot of cedar tone wood on the deck, shed and wood storage shelters.

Some thoughts we had were

Main Body:

BM Briarwood

SW Tony Taupe

SW Pavestone

SW Studio Taupe

For the lower parging area, should I stick with a dark gray here? it was originally a dark gray that has faded out to a light gray.

any other paint colors that might complement this little house well? I'm open to color suggestions other than green (the house was green lap siding when first built and it blended in with the forest and green around us too much.)

Current Front of house

Front with Proposed Changes

Back of House:

Back Yard Landscaping:

Roof Color:

Close up of Stone on house (greys/tans):

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