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Fort Worth autumn swap October 20th 2018 Saturday Forest Park

Sylvia Gordon
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

San Antonio folks got a head start on us dang it! Fort Worth autumn swap October 20 so maybe it will be cooler lol, and because the Botanic Gardens is having their plant sale on the 12th and 13th. How could we possibly get anything else into our cars if we have the Swap and a plant sale on the same day??? We meet at the Pavilion at Forest Park, at the south side of the zoo. It's easy to find, and I will put a sign at University beside the gravel drive. We get there between 9:30 and 10, and we swap till we drop, which is usually maybe 1 pm. We bring excess bounty from our gardens to share, be it plants, seeds, vegetables, garden books and magazines, tools, art, doodads, whatever the imagination can come up with. If you are brand new to gardening, or if you are starting over, not to worry. Bring whatever you can, including bakery items. One notable year someone brought bananas and individually wrapped string cheese LOL. Don't worry about value for value swaps, you will go home with more than you bring, I can just about promise. Wear comfy baggy clothes, remember your sunblock, maybe bring a notebook to write plant names, since even if you think you'll remember them, you may not. I just happen to know this... if you bring plants in pots, be sure they are settled in & healthy & well-hydrated. It will give them a happy start in their new home. It's a good idea to label your plants and other items. You can cut lengths of old mini blinds and mark them with a lead pencil. We do a lot of pre-trades on the swap thread, so if you do this, be sure and make a note of it somewhere so that you bring the plant you have promised to your trade partner and that you don't promise the same plant twice. Some of us bring bottled water and snacks to share. It's a really loose, easygoing, fun get together, and I guess the only actual rule is that old "do unto others" thing. Don't take anything off someone's without their agreement; ask, and if they don't agree nothing more needs to be said. Maybe they promised it to someone else, or maybe your offer of Mexican petunias is not attractive because they have 5000 Mexican petunias. If you've arranged to pre-trade, and what your trade partner brings is not what you thought you were getting, or if what you brought is not what your trade partner thought they were getting, either party can call off the trade. It's been a long hot summer after a long cold winter, and I for one am looking forward to seeing everybody. Can't wait for October!

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