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Used Snapshot pre-emergent. Perennials are dying.

My husband spread Snapshot with handspreader to control bittercrest and other nasty weeds and now I have groups of perennials that are dying. See pictures. What is happening? He spead the Snapshot and then we got 7 inches of rain in 4 days. Only certain plants look bad.

This is bears breech. Only one variety looks like this. Round Up cannot kill it, so how can a pre-emergent?

This is false indigo. As you can see, the stems split and the plant wilted.

This is catnip I grow for my kitties.

This is oregano. The blossoms look burnt.

It also seems to be taking out the Shasta daisy and lambs ear, but everything else looks fine. This seems to be very selective.

I am attempting to accept the loss, but it is unclear as to why this is happening. Possibly too much rain after spreading the pre-emergent?

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