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Pre Emergent Plan - Help

9 years ago

Hi All,

I'm still a bit new to lawn care that requires more than just setting a sprinkler timer, and was hoping I could get some feedback on my Fall plan of attack.

I live in Arizona and have a lawn around 2500 sq ft. Right now it is mostly crabgrass, with some Bermuda. In the spring I noticed quite a lot of poa annua, as well, and that is the primary target of my plan of attack.

I understand poa annua can be eliminated by use of a pre-emergent. I've read about Halt, Barricade, Dimension and Amaze (and there are probably others?) but am not really sure which I should use, or if it matters much which I use. Any recommendations?

My plan is to overseed in the Fall...October is usually when that is done here in AZ. I will be overseeding with rye grass. At what point do I put down the pre-emergent? Should I scalp the lawn first, then put down the pre-emergent? How long after the pre-m goes down until I can overseed with the rye? Any other special considerations to be aware of?

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