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A New Experience ... My 1st Seed Pod!!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

How exciting! After an entire year of attempting the petal removal method (and ruining my blooms) with zero results, I finally have my first seed pod. I took Roger and Tyler's advise and switched to the artist brush method. The pod is tiny, but definitely there, right?

I pollinated on a whim using the blooms I had. Both plants are very special to me because the seeds came from forum members when I first started cultivating adeniums two years ago. Both plants are very strong and healthy. Here is the cross:

RG4 - Pollen came from this Roger obesum ...

EV6 - The mama ... To think I was about to decapitate her!

I can't tell you how excited I became when I saw that tiny pod two days ago. Yesterday, I took that brush and crossed all the blooms on both plants. Let's see if I get more pods.

In the meantime, I have questions:

1. How long will the pod take to ripen? I want to be sure to bag it in time so I don't lose my seeds.

2. Is there anything I should do to ensure the pod doesn't abort? I'll try not to look at it too much .. LOL.

3. Why is not mother nature pollinating my adeniums? My plants are outdoors 24/7 and God knows there is a plethora of flying insects out there.

I promise to post an update every two weeks or so ... whenever I observe something significant.

Maria Elena

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