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Beige-green caterpillar-like bugs in the soil of Norfolk Island Pine!

Victoria Budd
6 years ago

I bought a Norfolk Island Pine as a Christmas tree, and after the holidays repotted it and have kept it as houseplant. Shortly after repotting I noticed some beige-green caterpillar-like bugs crawling around in the top soil! I removed the ones I could see/find, put the plant outside for a few days and didn't notice any returning so I brought it back inside. Shortly after that, the same bugs returned. I went to a local garden store and was told that the most likely cause of the problem was unsterilized soil used for repotting (although I think I'd repotted other plants at the same time using the same bag of soil and haven't noticed any bugs in them), so I bought a bag of sterilized soil and repotted the tree. During repotting, I didn't see any bugs (I'd removed the ones visible on the top soil beforehand). This was a few months ago now and since that time I hadn't noticed any bugs. I was away for about 3 weeks, during which time a friend was watering my plants (she said she didn't notice any bugs during that time, but she also wasn't looking). Now that I'm back, I've removed about 15 dead bugs and one live one.

Any ideas as to what these bugs are and what I should do to get rid of them once and for all?

Any help would be much appreciated!
