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New Build House Lawn Reno

Justin Harrod
6 years ago

Hello All,

So I just built a house. We moved in early April and we planted our yard which I know was not the best timing in late June. We planted a mix of Midnight, Everest and Diva Kentucky Bluegrass. To start we watered the grass 3 times a day for 10 minutes each watering . That was for the first 4 weeks. Then last week I cut down to 2 times a day. I was thinking about cutting back to 1 time a day. What are your thoughts?

I know I will probably have to reseed to get the yard to thicken up unless someone has suggestions. When planted I used scotts new grass starter fertilizer and then put more down with milorganite a month later. I know it wasn't the best time to plant but didn't really have any options with our HOA.

Also can anyone tell me what the weed is in the picture? My plan was to reseed in the fall with more milorganite then come Nov put dimension down.

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