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Dreary bedroom

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I'm glad my eyes are usually closed in this room.

The only thing I like about this bedroom is the warm blanket and privacy/darkness the curtains provide.

husband admits that pale yellow he selected didn't pan out the same
as the color chip. I joke that it is like staring at the sun.

The carpet is mostly grey blue but it looks
lavender at times such as in this photo.

My husband likes the storage (we have very little storage space) of that furniture piece behind the bed but I dislike it, especially the color. He said it used to have a mirror in the center which makes me think of it as some kind of giant eighties guillotine.

At the very least, would a bedspread make it look less chaotic? Since not all our pillows match that blanket.

know we'll have to repaint at some point but that will have to be put
on the back-burner until we finish the kitchen and living room. We
cannot afford to rip out the carpet and I'd rather just work with it. Perhaps a paint color would make it less lavender?
Most importantly are
there any easier improvements I could make in the meantime?

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