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Sterling Silver, surprising as a potted!

I've been reluctant to take many photographs of this little experiment of mine; I've anticipated complete and utter failure, but Sterling Silver, being a rose, has decided to surprise me in its second season with surprisingly vigorous shoots.

My plant came from Regan's and was actually the largest of the three different roses I'd ordered from them (the others were Medallion and Fragrant Cloud).

I had initially planted SS in the ground after bucket soaking a couple days. Haha! Wasn't that hilarious! It leafed out and then... nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No stem growth. No buds, either.

I ended up planting a Scentimental, which I destroyed this past spring due to gall, right in front of it and had sentenced it to fading into oblivion. One of my good friends scolded me and told me to pot it up and give it a chance.

My word. Within two weeks it started growing! Shoots lengthening, two small basal breaks, and attempts to set many buds. Aside from one ID bloom in in summer and a final one in Autumn of 2015, I religiously disbudded, watered, and fertilized. Some powdery mildew first year, no black spot, but this year was horrid.

This year, I had to re-pot it and it really grew some more this year. I'm rather excited to see its leap year (three).

It is now approximately 66" tall (5.5 feet) PLUS its container, and needs re-potting again.

Please excuse the recyclables!

I never thought SS would get this big, this quickly. I've only pruned the old stems which began yellowing and dieing-back.

It has few thorns and healthy leaves are an amazing dark, bluish green.

I'd be delighted to hear about others' surprise inducing roses or even experiences with this diva herself!


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