Want to stop Windows 10 from loading
8 years ago
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- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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Snapper Stops rolling under load
Comments (1)"I think it's strange I can put the mower in gear and turn the clutch wheel with my hand. " Pretty hard to tell from here, when you put on the new rubber tired driven wheel, did you get the one with a liner inside it or put a liner inside it. You do have what is called a "soft start" clutch? More detailed info, description, would help. Walt Conner...See More10 things to do when the blooming stops
Comments (11)Too funny you guys! 1. order another 12.5 yards of sheep poo to prep the new community garden beds where I am desperately trying to keep ahead of the weeds long enough to transplant my display garden. 2. Move the sheep poo from where they let me dump it in a pile, across about the length of a football field to my garden plots...one shovel full and one wheelbarrow full at a time. 3. desperately try to keep ahead of all the weeds in the new community garden plots 4. till in the sheep poo and put down black plastic weed barrier before I have to go back to step 3....again! 5. dig, divide, wash somewhere between 300-500 huge (10-15yr ??) clumps of dl that I'm moving from one community garden (40 minute drive away) to another community garden closer to me (3 blocks away). I've moved >100 clumps to my home garden since the last week of April. 6. desperately try to keep ahead of the weeds in my home garden 7. make a few obsessive crosses on the extra late blooms and reblooms even though I know they may not ripen before frost. 8. check ripening pods at home garden daily 9. catch up on editing, organizing, uploading & posting pictures of those 300-500 huge (10-15yr ??) clumps of daylilies. Verifying the ID on each one as I go. search for a house with land AND water that I can actually afford, knowing that I will start over at step 1 as soon as I have land of my own :) oh, and I have to add somehow fit in my full time job and being mom...See Morestop My Documents from loading
Comments (5)To simplify things for you I have copied a fix that I found at Kellys Korner which is a genuine and highly regarded source of tips and fixes for all sorts of problems. Number 255 on the right hand side of the page is labelled "My Documents Folder Opens Upon Boot (for C:\)" and gives the code that I have copied below. It is a Registry Patch that simply puts the correct value back where it belongs. Open Notepad on your computer then copy and paste the text into it and save the file as USERINIT.REG - that's USERINIT dot REG Now double click it and answer yes to the import prompt. Incidentally, REG files can be viewed in Notepad by right clicking on the file and selecting Edit. Colin Copy and paste everything below this line into Notepad: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "Userinit"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\userinit.exe," [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "PersistBrowsers"=dword:00000000 Here is a link that might be useful: Kellys Korner...See Moreload-bearing header: 2x10 vs 2x12
Comments (2)The building code will have the acceptable headers and sizes. The header load includes all the loads above the opening, second floors, roofs (with snow loads), the dead weight of the walls above, etc. Builders rarely use a larger than required header. While a single 2x4 can sustain a very large load, they are a long and thin column and are subject to buckling failure. The code also specifies how many cripple studs are required to support the header, and again it is based on the load present. Your AHJ might be able to provide some guidance, but not all are helpful....See More- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
- 8 years ago
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