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Beddings still dirty after many washes. Help/advice needed.

7 years ago

Hey all,

I am looking for some advice on a hard case im having with beddings.

Some background: I purchased a bolster, two IKEA down pillows, and an IKEA down comforter two years ago.

I have been using these without washing them for two years, AND without pillow cases / comforter cases. Therefore, I suspect it to be extremely dirty with sweat (I sleep naked), etc.

Why did it take me so long to wash them? It was a combination of being super busy, oversight and just being an unhygienic individual. Recently, I've decided to step up my hygiene game, which leads me to this post...

My beddings-laundry project is as follows. I have the following to wash:

1) small IKEA down pillow - this is my backup pillow. I've washed this ~4 times and it seems to be fine.

2) bolster - I've washed this ~3 times and seems OK too

3) *Problem* The larger down IKEA pillow, my main pillow That I used a lot. I've washed ~5 times and there is still an extremely strong and pungent bad smell. It is really bad and after 5 washed is still bad.

4) *likely problem* IKEA down Comforter - this is next to be washed, and I suspect it will have the same issue as the pillow - not being clean after many washed. It is becoming yellow from sweat/etc.

IKEA down beddings washing instructions is 40 degrees Celsius wash in washing machine. I've washed them with a front load machine with Tide detergent.

My question is, for 3) and 4), the really dirty ones that after 5 washes is still very dirty and smelly, what should I do to wash these?

I need to send in the big guns - what liquids, etc can I use to make them clean and bacteria free and OK to continue using. I'd appreciate any advise about these hard cases. I really need to make these clean.

To avoid this in the future, I've recently bought pillow cases/comforter cases...

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