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Should I manually pull out bermuda grass shoots I'm trying to rid of

8 years ago

I have a fescue lawn that I've been waging war against an invasion of bermuda grass. Ornamec - check. Turflon Ester - check. So now I just have a few sprigs here and there (though what's underground, I cant say).

I near-destroyed a large patch of fescue late last fall by using Ornamec either too late in the season or too concentrated. In any case, I've been rebuilding that area with re-seeding and it has filled in nicely. Not totally dense, but getting there.

Anyway, I am finding (as I've expected) some surviving bermuda grass. Some in bare patches that I know I'll probably re-seed in fall, but some fine pieces within plush fescue. I've been painting on roundup on the leaves of the well-exposed shoots, but was wondering for the pieces growing in the dense fescue - can I just manually pull those (being careful NOT to pull out what's underground as I don't want to pull out a bunch of runners and disrupt the turf), and they will eventually die from not getting enough sun? Or should I just try to paint those with roundup to so that it gets taken down to the roots.

As far as why not to TE them at this time - too many young sprouts I don't want to be casualties (some are about 2.5 months old, some about 1.5 months old). I will in maybe a month's time, but I was thinking that maybe these others could be maintained manually since there aren't that many.

I'm in SF Bay Area, btw.

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